Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Compulsive Sociopath...

Pathological lying (Pseudologia Fantastica or Mythomania) is when an individual who habitually tells lies so exaggerated or bizarre they are suggestive of mental disorder. "Pathological Liar" is a term usually used to refer to a compulsive liar. These individuals lie out of habit and know no other way. Compulsive liars are generally harmless because their lying does not come with a hidden agenda. However, a Sociopath does.

A Sociopath is a person who's lying is focused. They are goal-oriented and will charm and manipulate others as much as they can with no remorse for what troubles they may cause along the way.

I've known a few compulsive liars in my time, as well as some sociopaths. It's very sad that these individuals had to be this way, but over the years I've come to learn more and more that they just can't help it.

Now, my confusion is what to call someone who is a fusion of both? A compulsive sociopath??

I know two people who fall into this category. One fell a little further down the well than the other, but both have caused quite a bit of damage along the way and have very nasty track records. The one thing that blows my mind though is the fact that they do not even know it. Since it's something they cannot seem to help, they see it as correct and totally normal. In fact, they may not even understand what a lie truly is.

I used to really despise these people...I really did. But then I came to a realization; Why waste my time, my energy, my precious thoughts on people who can't help but be crazy? People who were born mentally disturbed and in all seriousness, cannot be helped? Sure, the occasional rumor I may hear being spread about me and others may be a little aggravating, but in the end I know that no matter what, I'm sane. I'm tooootally sane and healthy and I don't need a security blanket of lies to keep me warm at night. So now, instead of despising these people, I pity them and look at them the same way I would a wounded bird in a yard surrounded by hungry cats.

So sad...

-Emily Sixx

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